When you or someone you love is facing the end of life, it affects everyone. That’s why hospice encircles not only the one who is dying, but all who care for them, even after the loved one has gone.

Family and friend support - also called bereavement or grief support - is provided as a medicare benefit for up to thirteen months after someone has died. At Beyond Hospice we take that very seriously.

Each situation is different, that’s why your team will be carefully listening and adapting to specific needs. Some like lots of information and engagement from us, others need more space. Some will need support with what is called anticipatory grief, others will need lots of care after death. At the very least, loved ones can expect some follow up calls in the first year, just checking in and offering a listening ear, with grief groups and other resources right at hand as needed. Or not, if that is preferred.

On these web pages you can browse some carefully chosen resources, knowing that everything on here has been vetted by either our Director of Patient Services Melanie Rachel, who has years of experience as a Medical Social Worker for hospice, or our Director of Spiritual Care LeeAnne Watkins, who has years of experience working with families experiencing grief and loss.

We try to put just a few choices out there for you so as not to overwhelm you. That’s hard, there is so much good stuff to choose from, so please, if you are looking for something else, something more specific, please just reach out and we can offer even more.

Remember, you don’t need to do this alone. We are here to help.